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Our Ministries.​

The Community Baptist Church of Gordon Heights Ministries is second to none. Our ministries department consists of loving and caring people who loves God and their neighbors. They are obedient to God's call and they go out of their way to attend to the needs of their community.

​Within the ministries department, we have The Missionaries, The Men's Ministry, The Women's Ministry, The Drama Ministry, The Senior Choir Ministry,  The Youth Ministry and The Music Ministry.

Attend An Event.

Every first wed.

6:30 PM Missionary Meeting.

7:00 pm -Men's Ministry Meeting

1:00 PM Women's Ministry Meeting

Every Tuesday.
1st Saturday.
20 SEP

4:00 pm - Boys JV Soccer @MLK HS

The Missionaries.


Isaiah 6:8 "Here am i send me"

Our missionary Ministry goals is to be obedient to God's call, to be an example of God's love to the people around us.

To love our neighbors, serving the less fortunates in the community, praying for and visiting the sick and shut in, making peace with difficult  people, treating others fairly and with respect and  to be a beacon of light that brightens the whole community.

Thank you.

Sister Delma Bradwel. President.





The Men's Ministry.


The Men's Ministry is an intensional evangelistic outreach of the church which seeks to reconnect husbands, fathers and sons with their God giving spiritual identity, by examining  Jesus Christ exanple of true manhood. 

Thank you.

Reverend Thomas James Flud Sr. Pastor.

The Women's Ministry.


Within our Women's Ministry are loving and caring people who put the needs of others ahead of their own and work together for the lord.

Our purpose is to help women in church grow in faith and closer to God, fulfill their calling, fill connected and supported, to teach women about God and faith, to develop a better relationship with other women, to serve our neighbors and our community.

Our ministry through prayer, dedication, and the power of almighty God will equipt women to deal with difilcult issues and life challenges, to grow, to serve, reach out to other women and bring them to christ through discipleship.

We aspire to faithfully build strong relationship with God, within our ministry, within our church and in our communities.

We believe in the power of prayer and togetherness, so we pray that our ministry will be covered in the precious blood of almighty God.

Thank you.

Deaconess Josephine Emeli Flud. Director.

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