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The Youth Ministry.

Youth Calendar Of Events.


July 11th to 15th: 8:00AM to 1:00PM.

Vacation Bible School.


Sat. Aug 27th: 6:00 PM.

Youth Concert.


Sun. Sep 18th: 3:00 PM.

Inspirational Choir Anniversary.


Saturdays: 7:30 to 8:30 PM.

Every Saturday: Youth Night.






Youth Ministry.

I Mathew 19:14. Jesus said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. for of such is the kingdom of heaven. 




Vacation Bible School.

Loretta Gaskin Scholarship Fund.

Inspirational Choir Car Wash.

Inspirational Choir Anniversary.

Children's Choir Ministry.

Youth Sunday School.

Children's Church.

Youth Concert.

Youth Day Program.

Youth Ministry Musical.

Inspirational Choir Bake Sale.

Youth Day Tent Service.


Our youth department consists of children from the ages of 4 to 20. There are many activities going on in the youth department all year long. Program such as Loretta Gaskin Scholarship Fund is one of many programs geared towards our youth. This progran chaired by sister Janice Davis provides Scholarship for our young children in an effort to encourage them to stay in school and to achieve their goals. Loretta Gaskin Scholarship Fund also raised money through concerts, Banquets  and Donations.

Our Youth Sunday School Class and Children's Church provides perfect learning and safe environment for the young adults and children.

The Inspirational Choir raises funds through Car Wash, Concerts, Bake sale and other fundraising events. Vacation Bible School is another excellent program for the children, This program is conducted once a year, from monday to friday in the summer time by  sister Mary Johnson. The program provides activities for the youth, it keeps them away from boredom, trouble and provides a safe haven in God's house.


Youth Officers


Youth Chairperson: Denzel Johnson.

Youth Co-Chair person:Avyneesha Poitier.

Youth Advisor: Minister Holley.

Youth Church Leaders: Sister Janice Davis, Bianca Newson.



"Walk a little slower Daddy"

 Said a child so small.

"I am following in your footsteps.

 and I don't want to fall.

 Sometimes your steps are very fast

 Sometimes they are hard to see.

 So walk a little slower daddy.

 For you are leading me.

 Someday when I am all grown up.

 You are what Iwant to be.

 Then I will have a little child.

 Who will want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right.

 And know that I was true.

 So walk a little slower daddy.

 For I must follow you.

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